- Precise weighing with 4- or 5-digit balances.
- Weighing of a high variety of vial sizes.
- Fully automated weighing and calibration process.
- Tara-weights, filled and differential weights.
- Choose each workflow for the desired process.
- Design your own executable workflow.
- Customised software for your desired process and needs.
- Adequate display according to your system and requirements.
Main Advantages
- Precise weighing with 4- or 5-digit balances.
- Weighing of a high variety of vial sizes.
- Fully automated weighing and calibration process.
- Tara-weights, filled and differential weights.
Modular Process
- Choose each workflow for the desired process.
- Design your own executable workflow.
- Customised software for your desired process and needs.
- Adequate display according to your system and requirements.