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Balancing and Calibration
In weighing and calibration a high precision is necessary. Thus Zinsser Analytics’ systems measures the weight of single vials or whole racks and memorized those. The vials and racks can be filled on the balance as well as outside and be weigh again afterwards.
- Precise weighing with 4- or 5-digit balances.
- Weighing of a high variety of vial sizes.
- Fully automated weighing and calibration process.
- Tara-weights, filled and differential weights.
- Choose each workflow for the desired process.
- Design your own executable workflow.
- Customised software for your desired process and needs.
- Adequate display according to your system and requirements.
Main Advantages
- Precise weighing with 4- or 5-digit balances.
- Weighing of a high variety of vial sizes.
- Fully automated weighing and calibration process.
- Tara-weights, filled and differential weights.
Modular Process
- Choose each workflow for the desired process.
- Design your own executable workflow.
- Customised software for your desired process and needs.
- Adequate display according to your system and requirements.