With a solid-phase-extraction system from Zinsser Analytic a high throughput with little to no manual effort is possible. Different methods are applicable for the large variety of useable cartridges. Vacuum, positive pressure and drip through are practicable.
- Fast and efficient process management.
- Precise and reproducible results.
- Choice between drip through, vacuum and positive pressure within each method step.
- Combinable with other liquid or solid handling system parts.
- Every method is designed from modular process steps.
- Thus, all required capabilities for solid-phase-extractions are met.
- Customised software for your desired process and needs.
- Adequate display according to your system and requirements.
Main Advantages
- Fast and efficient process management.
- Precise and reproducible results.
- Choice between drip through, vacuum and positive pressure within each method step.
- Combinable with other liquid or solid handling system parts.
Modular Process
- Every method is designed from modular process steps.
- Thus, all required capabilities for solid-phase-extractions are met.
- Customised software for your desired process and needs.
- Adequate display according to your system and requirements.